Who am I ?

Clémentine, videomaniac, good vibes only.

I studied in a cinema school where I’ve learned how to combine creativity and technique adding a little bit of my soul, my ”magic touch”. When you give the opportunity to realize your story, it’s important for me to catch what you can’t see with to the human eye. My sensitivity is my best ally. During editing time, I oftenly laugh out loud or cry a little. I’m doing my job only with enthusiasm, passion and sharing. 

My last projects

If you want to join me on my ”special ship”, let’s meet down below.

AMARILDINE - Quelque part avec toi - Wedding dress collection 2022


Marine & Yoann
Telling a love story

I am the coolest et funkiest filmmaker you need to direct your ”Feel Good Movie”



Follow me on social media, I post regularly with always a little extra.

Made in Toulouse